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MaterialWorlds Simulations 1.5 ( View screenshot )

Live interactive physics simulations let you explore the Solar System (orbits, seasons, gravity, tides, comets and satellites), play snooker and experiment with Laws of Motion, bridge,crash,ideal gas,pendulum clock and siege engine simulations.

Updated 9, 2005 05: 1:8:
Rating 86 ( -14 -16.27% )
Size3911 kb
StatusNew Release
OSWindows 95,98,ME,NT,2000,XP
Keywordsvirtual_reality science physics experiments simulation games solar_system geocentric astronomy earth sun moon planets space tides ocean_tides seasons equinox solstice satellite comet orbit gravity pendulum ideal_gas crash force velocity acceleration
AuthorMaterial Worlds
MaterialWorlds Simulations software. Live interactive physics simulations let you explore the Solar System (orbits, seasons, gravity, tides, comets and satellites), play snooker and experiment with Laws of Motion, bridge,crash,ideal gas,pendulum clock and siege engine simulations. Live interactive physics simulations let you explore the Solar System (orbits, seasons, gravity, tides, satellites and comets), play snooker (on a full size table) and experiment with Laws of Motion simulations (free worksheets provided for pendulum, Newtons cradle, terminal velocity and Galileos balls - as dropped from the Leaning Tower of Pisa) - latest release includes  machines ( pendulum clock and siege engines)  bridge, crash and ideal gas simulations and experiments. With real-time visualisation of forces and velocities (as arrows on each object as they interact or are pulled around with the mouse) and scrolling graphs recording what happens, MaterialWorlds gives a real feel for how the physical world  download

click for full size
Live interactive physics simulations let you explore the Solar System (orbits, seasons, gravity, tides, satellites and comets), play snooker (on a full size table) and experiment with Laws of Motion simulations (free worksheets provided for pendulum, Newtons cradle, terminal velocity and Galileos balls - as dropped from the Leaning Tower of Pisa) - latest release includes machines ( pendulum clock and siege engines) bridge, crash and ideal gas simulations and experiments. With real-time visualisation of forces and velocities (as arrows on each object as they interact or are pulled around with the mouse) and scrolling graphs recording what happens, MaterialWorlds gives a real feel for how the physical world works.
System Requirements:
Windows and InternetExplorer 4 or later
Change Info:
3D force and velocity display for solar system simulations
MaterialWorlds Simulations 1.5 Download from

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Home > Software > Education > Other > MaterialWorlds Simulations 1.5

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