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SabaBrowse 1.1.0

SABAbrowse is a Web application that allows browsing and editing databases with an Internet browser. It runs on application servers (WebLogic, Websphere, Jboss, Tomcat etc …) and needs no installation on the client side.

Updated 3, 2005 22: 0:8:
Rating 0
Size1500 kb
StatusMajor Update
Keywordstool browse database Java application_server web internet jar ear
Authorreg CanaBase
SABAbrowse is a Web application that allows browsing and editing databases with an Internet browser.

It runs on application servers (WebLogic, Websphere, Jboss, Tomcat etc …) and needs no installation on the client side.

Main features are
Immediate start up but powerful customization.
You just have to deploy the application on your server, setup a few parameters (mainly database connection and security) and you can immediatly access your DBMS with an Internet browser. In a second time and if required you will be able to customize SABAbrowse so that it exactly fits to your needs.
Custon SQL queries.
You can define, store and run your custom SQL queries. Then, as if you were browsing a table, you can set up parameters for column titles, sorting etc... .
High security level with user by user access control.
SABAbrowse implements the standard security of application servers but has also its own access control and checks the read and edit rights of users at a table level.
(Most of) source code available.
SABAbrowse is a Web application build on Struts. The user interface (JSP files) and a part of the rest of the application are delivered as source code. SABAbrowse can so easily be customized to fit the users needs.
System Requirements:
Java Application server
SabaBrowse 1.1.0 Download from

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