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PMV AlarmClock 1.0 ( View screenshot )

PMV AlarmClock is a little tool wich helps to save your computer resources by powering-off it on timeout or at chosen time.

Updated 5, 2005 30: 1:6:
Rating 1776 ( -208 -11.71% )
Size853 kb
StatusNew Release
OSWindows 95,98,ME,NT,2000,XP,CE
KeywordsAlarmClock alarm clock shutdown power poweroff screensaver
AuthorPMV Soft Inc.
PMV AlarmClock software. PMV AlarmClock is a little tool wich helps to save your computer resources by powering-off it on timeout or at chosen time. PMV AlarmClock is a little tool wich helps to save your computer resources by powering-off it on timeout or at chosen time. Also you may specify an audio file to play at time that you choose. You may use any of .wav .mp3 .wma or .ogg audio format files. And you mustn't think about format compatibilitty, only give a file and it'll be played. You may shutdown, log-off or reboot your machine at the chosen time. For example, it may be planned reboot or power off, or planned log off when you usually finish your work. If you don't finish your work regularly at the same time you may specify an Idle-Timeout. It means that if you have not been working on your computer for idle-time PMV AlarmClock can power off, reboot or log off your PC.

Plays audio file or logoffs/reboots/power offs your computer at chosen time. Playing file may be u download

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PMV AlarmClock is a little tool wich helps to save your computer resources by powering-off it on timeout or at chosen time. Also you may specify an audio file to play at time that you choose. You may use any of .wav .mp3 .wma or .ogg audio format files. And you mustn't think about format compatibilitty, only give a file and it'll be played. You may shutdown, log-off or reboot your machine at the chosen time. For example, it may be planned reboot or power off, or planned log off when you usually finish your work. If you don't finish your work regularly at the same time you may specify an Idle-Timeout. It means that if you have not been working on your computer for idle-time PMV AlarmClock can power off, reboot or log off your PC.

Plays audio file or logoffs/reboots/power offs your computer at chosen time. Playing file may be used as a way to remind you of some important event.
Posesses a powerful alarm with custom messages, MP3, WMA, OGG, WAV sounds
Optionally you may use 20 seconds confirmation of power-off your system
Has a functional popup menu for easy access to main functions
Hides itself right into the taskbar and does not eat any desktop space
Multilanguage support..
Optionally forced system shutdown mode (fast and reliable).
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2k/XP support
System Requirements:
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
PMV AlarmClock 1.0 Download from pmvsoft.com

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