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Visendo Fax Server 3.0 ( View screenshot )

Visendo Fax Server receives fax messages (modem and ISDN) and sends them via SMTP to your mailaccount. You can send your faxes easily via the WebClient, the Visendo Fax Printer or programmatically via a TCP socket communication.

Updated 9, 2005 05: 1:8:
Rating 110 ( -16 -14.54% )
Size5350000 kb
StatusMajor Update
LanguagesEnglish, German
OSWindows NT,2000,XP
Keywordsfax_Server faxserver fax fax@net fax_software fax_solution faxsoftware webfax isdn modem web send receive printer driver exchange outlook windows NT 2000 pop3 capi teles eicon avm eMail gateway receive send smtp ppedv Burg
Authorppedv AG
Visendo Fax Server software. Visendo Fax Server receives fax messages (modem and ISDN) and sends them via SMTP to your mailaccount. You can send your faxes easily via the WebClient, the Visendo Fax Printer or programmatically via a TCP socket communication. One modem or ISDN card is enough and Visendo Fax Server receives and sends your faxes. Those are saved as pictures and you can send them e.g. to your outlook. So your net becomes a Unified Messaging Network. You can send your faxes via the WebClient, the Visendo Fax Printer or programmatically via a TCP socket communication. Socket communication means that you can send faxes from any location in the world only over this interface. Many filetypes are supported. Sending a fax via the webclient is only possible with certain file types, but sending via the printer driver works with each application.  You easily can send faxes directly from your website. With Visendo Fax Server you can send faxes from everywhere in the world, you just ne download

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One modem or ISDN card is enough and Visendo Fax Server receives and sends your faxes. Those are saved as pictures and you can send them e.g. to your outlook. So your net becomes a Unified Messaging Network. You can send your faxes via the WebClient, the Visendo Fax Printer or programmatically via a TCP socket communication. Socket communication means that you can send faxes from any location in the world only over this interface. Many filetypes are supported. Sending a fax via the webclient is only possible with certain file types, but sending via the printer driver works with each application. You easily can send faxes directly from your website. With Visendo Fax Server you can send faxes from everywhere in the world, you just need having the printerdriver installed on your machine and a server anywhere else. Also using Visendo Fax Server in your company is easy. The client machines only need the printer driver. The only thing they have to enter is the faxnumber and once their email adresses for a confirmation email. The mails are delivered to your working place and can be viewed e.g. with the Internet Explorer or any other image processing programmes. You can choose a file format between pdf, tif, jpg (that can be viewed on almost every machine) or the sff format (you need a special sff viewer for taking a look on it). The advantage of the sff file is that it is one file and is not splitted in two or more pictures. Also the size of your pictures is electable. In the light of the numbers (MSNs) for direct dialing faxes are delivered to different receivers. In addition you also can establish a redirection for known senders of course. So e.g. the "purchasing section" gets faxes from suppliers indifferently where they have been sent to. A detailed log file makes it easy for administrators to find and solve a problem if something does not work properly. All configuration is saved in one xml-file so updating the software is also easy because there is a build in updater.
System Requirements:
Visendo Fax Server 3.0 Download from

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