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SigJenny 0.989 ( View screenshot )

SigJenny turns your PC into a flexible and powerful signal generator for free. It generates numerous different waveshapes, can sweep them or arrange them as tone bursts, graphically display them, and do a very good impression of a police car!

Updated 3, 2005 22: 0:8:
Rating 198 ( -27 -13.63% )
Size2647 kb
StatusMinor Update
OSWindows 95,98,ME,NT,2000,XP
Keywordsaudio signal_generator tone microphones mikes loudspeakers transducers test testing hifi hi-fi acoustics sound sine wave blaster electro-mechanical noise sawtooth triangle toneburst tone-burst sweep soundblaster NaTCH
Authordes fisher
SigJenny software. SigJenny turns your PC into a flexible and powerful signal generator for free. It generates numerous different waveshapes, can sweep them or arrange them as tone bursts, graphically display them, and do a very good impression of a police car! SigJenny turns your PC into a flexible and powerful signal generator for free! It generates numerous different waveshapes, can sweep them or arrange them as tone bursts, graphically display them, and do a very good impression of a police car. The output can be a single frequency or swept, or a single or repeating tone burst. The input from a microphone can be shown and the output frequency can be specified as musical pitch. The output can be saved as a WAV file!

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SigJenny turns your PC into a flexible and powerful signal generator for free! It generates numerous different waveshapes, can sweep them or arrange them as tone bursts, graphically display them, and do a very good impression of a police car. The output can be a single frequency or swept, or a single or repeating tone burst. The input from a microphone can be shown and the output frequency can be specified as musical pitch. The output can be saved as a WAV file!
System Requirements:
Typical Win95 PC or better
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SigJenny 0.989 Download from

Similar software:
  • Tone Generator 2.01 — NCH Sound Tone Generator lets you create audio tones, sweeps or noise waveforms using a Windows computer with a sound card or a PocketPC handheld.
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