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Active ERASER 4.01 ( View screenshot )

Active Eraser is the most comprehensive data-destruction toolset that includes Windows and DOS applications, for keeping your PC secure from undesired data recovery. Supports U.S. DoD 5220.22-M, VSITR, GOST P50739-95 and Gutmann sanitation standards.

Updated 9, 2005 05: 1:8:
Rating 489 ( -68 -13.9% )
Size1030 kb
StatusNew Release
OSWindows 95,98,ME,NT,2000,XP
Keywordsinternet eraser privacy security cleanup delete history cookies eliminate eliminator popup killer data recovery undelete unerase uneraser index.dat cleaner washer big brother protector cookie crasher manager manage internet explorer opera mozilla
AuthorData Security
Active ERASER software. Active Eraser is the most comprehensive data-destruction toolset that includes Windows and DOS applications, for keeping your PC secure from undesired data recovery. Supports U.S. DoD 5220.22-M, VSITR, GOST P50739-95 and Gutmann sanitation standards. Active ERASER utility supports a variety of sanitation standards, from simple methods such as One Pass Zero to the military-grade DoD 5220.22-M, to even more sophisticated methods such as Gutmann's. You can erase files, folders, CD-RW discs, logical drives, and entire physical drives. The program also wipes out deleted files, which Windows just renders invisible, from your disk. It cleans the tracks of your Internet and local activities, such as cookies and temporary files. The log lets you control the process. You can schedule erasing to trigger every time you start Active Eraser, shut down Windows, or begin another activity. The interface is handy, letting you erase any file using the right-click context menu.
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Active ERASER utility supports a variety of sanitation standards, from simple methods such as One Pass Zero to the military-grade DoD 5220.22-M, to even more sophisticated methods such as Gutmann's. You can erase files, folders, CD-RW discs, logical drives, and entire physical drives. The program also wipes out deleted files, which Windows just renders invisible, from your disk. It cleans the tracks of your Internet and local activities, such as cookies and temporary files. The log lets you control the process. You can schedule erasing to trigger every time you start Active Eraser, shut down Windows, or begin another activity. The interface is handy, letting you erase any file using the right-click context menu.
Supports U.S. DoD 5220.22-M, VSITR, GOST P50739-95 and Gutmann sanitation standards.
Active ERASER 4.01 Download from

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