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Matrix TCL 2.11

This is a C++ template class library to perform matrix calculations with ease and efficiency in your programs. It supports most of the matrix calculations that you may need to do in your C++ programs. Full source code is included with the package.

Updated 3, 2005 22: 0:8:
Rating 0
Size41 kb
StatusMinor Update
OSWindows 95,98,ME,NT,2000,XP,CE,Unix,Mac
Keywordsc++ matrix template class library inversion LU decompositions linear equations eigen value vector arithmetic sub-matrix operations
AuthorSomnath Kundu
This is a C++ template class library to perform matrix calculations with ease and efficiency in your program. It supports most of the matrix calculations that you may need to do in your C++ programs. With this class you can do matrix calculations just like other built-in data types in your program. It supports arithmetic operations, sub-matrix operations, inversion, various matrix decompositions, solution of simultaneous linear equations, eigen value and eigen vector problem, and much more. Full source code is included with the package.

This class is optimized for performance and memory usage and incurs negligible programming overhead over "C" programs. But it supports only dense matrices and not the sparse matrices. We have tested matrices of size up to 1000 x 1000 with this class. This package can be used with any modern ANSI/ISO compliant C++ compilers on any platforms. However, we have tested this package only with the following compilers.

Compilers Tested:

Borland C++ 5.5
C++ Builder 4.0 and 5.0
MS Visual C++ 5.0, and 6.0

If you want to use it with a different compiler not listed above, please contact us at
System Requirements:
ANSI/ISO compatible C++ compiler
Matrix TCL 2.11 Download from

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