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AntiSpy Pro 1.02 ( View screenshot )

AntiSpy eliminates the traces of your internet activity and work on the computer. Clear History,Cookies,index.dat, Temporary Internet Files, Cache, Run and find history and a lot of other features.

Updated 9, 2005 05: 1:8:
Rating 193 ( -27 -13.98% )
Size1631 kb
StatusNew Release
OSWindows 95,98,ME,NT,2000,XP
KeywordsAntispy Anti_Spy_software delete_history clean-up_index.dat remove_cookies erase_tracks eliminate_traces wipe_tracks
AuthorDevelopEx _
AntiSpy Pro software. AntiSpy eliminates the traces of your internet activity and work on the computer. Clear History,Cookies,index.dat, Temporary Internet Files, Cache, Run and find history and a lot of other features. AntiSpy Pro is designed to clear the history of your activities on a PC. You can eliminate the traces of your work in Internet Explorer (IE), AOL, Netscape Navigator,Opera, Mozilla, Start Menu, Windows, Multimedia and Messenging programs, Common Controls and popular applications. AntiSpy Pro professionally cleans your PC. AntiSpy Pro speed up your computer and Internet browser, reclaim lost hard disk space. Use this anti spy software to remove cookies, clear index.dat, eliminate history, erase tracks. AntiSpy Pro has impressive list of other features, works on all Windows platforms. Supports exclude lists and filters by date. AntiSpy Pro  supports secure wipe\shred files option to make sure nobody can restore it. Pro version of AntiSpy supports large list of plugins (li download

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AntiSpy Pro is designed to clear the history of your activities on a PC. You can eliminate the traces of your work in Internet Explorer (IE), AOL, Netscape Navigator,Opera, Mozilla, Start Menu, Windows, Multimedia and Messenging programs, Common Controls and popular applications. AntiSpy Pro professionally cleans your PC. AntiSpy Pro speed up your computer and Internet browser, reclaim lost hard disk space. Use this anti spy software to remove cookies, clear index.dat, eliminate history, erase tracks. AntiSpy Pro has impressive list of other features, works on all Windows platforms. Supports exclude lists and filters by date. AntiSpy Pro supports secure wipe\shred files option to make sure nobody can restore it. Pro version of AntiSpy supports large list of plugins (like WinZip, WinRar , Kazaa Media Desktop,and many others). It also includes tool that allow you to create your own plugins to clear tracks on drives, in registry and allow to run any other tools you want. You can scan drives for any types of files and clean free space which can contain any unerased information about your activities. After having performed a complete clearing of your PC, you can be sure than nobody will get information about the Web-sites you have visited, the documents you have opened, the messages you have sent and the applications you have used. AntiSpy Pro will protect your privacy and save you time.
AntiSpy Pro 1.02 Download from antispypro.com

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