MoleBox Pro 2.5.5
MoleBox Pro packages all the application files into a single efficient EXE file, which runs without extracting packed files to the hard…
The Great Gray Wolf 1.3
Wildlife Screen Savers With Personality(tm) 40 engaging photos and tranquil MP3 music. You'll marvel at a wild wolf chasing a fox…
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programs found: 387.

1.Ace DivX Player 2.1 ( free  Ace DivX <b>Player</b> download
DivX Player is the best Windows Media Player replacement program, it plays movie and music in formats including DivX, AVI, MPEG, WMV, ASF, MP3, CD and Video-CD. What Ace DivX Player offers you is what a handy movie and music player really should does: Powerful Playlist, Freely resize movie window and full-screen playback with onscreen controls…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 2206 | Author: Jimmy White | Size: 517 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Video Tools
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2.Ace Media Player 2.2 ( free  Ace Media <b>Player</b> download
media player that support DivX, QuickTime, Real Media and Window Media formats, you can now play DivX, RM, MOV, AVI, MPEG, MP3,CD,Video-CD files in one single player! Powerful Playlist Editor helps you play and manage different kinds of media files; Full-Screen playback with Onscreen Controls will be very convenient when you watch movies. The…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 1248 | Author: Jimmy White | Size: 1540 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Video Tools
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3.Advance mp3 sound Recorder 1.2 ( free  Advance mp3 sound Recorder download
to capture sound from realplayer,winamp,windows media player,dvd,quick time or any other media players, it's a useful tool to build your own mp3 audio library, Advance Mp3 Sound Recorder,record sound and audio from any source : mp3, stream,cd,VCR,movie,microphone, Game. capture sound from sound card digital mixer, easy to convert wave to mp3,include a…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 118 | Author: Ruan | Size: 683 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Audio File Recorders
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4.Advanced Ra-Renamer 1.2 ( free  Advanced Ra-Renamer download
through the interpretation and translation of the file's internal tags (author, title, copyright). You can rename all your files with one click! A very useful utility and a must have for those who have bundles of unintelligible Real Media files kicking about their hard drive. Features: Rename Real Media files: easily rename files individually or a whole directory of files…
Updated: 3, 2005 | Rating: 19 | Author: Evgeny Efimov | Size: 763 kb | Demo
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Other
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5.Atmosphere Deluxe: Nature Sounds Effects Generator 5.4 ( free  Atmosphere Deluxe: Nature Sounds Effects Generator download
environment generator and as a tool for creating custom nature CD's and audio for home video. Atmosphere has won numerous awards including USAToday and ZDnet Tech Pick for it's authenticity. Atmosphere is extremely easy to get to grips with, yet extremely powerful and versatile. No experience is required and you can have your first soundscape running in under 30 seconds…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 2297 | Author: Nick Moulds | Size: 28000 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Multimedia Creation Tools
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6.Audio CD Ripper Pro 1.6.08 ( free  Audio CD Ripper Pro download
pieces of electronics to watch movies, listen to the music, and play video games. Personal computer can do all of above! People all over the globe fall in love with this idea; however there is one major drawback that can spoil the whole thing - different media. We all love MP3 files as we can copy them to our MP3-players or cellular phones and listen to them on the go…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 42 | Author: Pete Kotenev | Size: 1227 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Audio File Players
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7.Audio WASP 1.0.0 b1 ( free  Audio WASP download
than programming :) Audio WASP helps you put captioned audio and video on the web quickly and easily. You only need your audio or video file and a text file with the captions and titles that you want to display. Use Audio WASP to create engaging ebooks, audio books, video books, captioned audio and video presentations, educational materials, product…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 132 | Author: Emersys Emersys | Size: 2258 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Multimedia Creation Tools
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8.Azam ( free  Azam download
store and even email the translated voice clip. Video: create, index, store and email video clips. Import audio files from WAV,MP3,WMA or OGG. Export your Azam recordings to WAV,MP3,WMA or OGG. Playback possible on CD players. Azam is being used worldwide across most market sectors, including the medical and legal…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 138 | Author: Steve Perrins | Size: 8303 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Rippers & Converters
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9.Blaze Media Pro 6.1 ( free  Blaze Media Pro download
burning, playback, and much more. Powerful, yet easy to use audio, video (VCD/SVCD/DVD), and data CD/DVD burning are all fully supported. Other advanced features include video capture, video creation/combining/extraction, video editing, batch video processing, copy music…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 870 | Author: Mystik Media | Size: 14091 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Video Tools
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10.Boomer Audio 5.0 ( free  Boomer Audio download
Audio linkage: Use the playback feature to replace your Media Player. Create Flash movies taking advantage of the new Flash MX compression technology. Produces at your option a complete web page with the necessary HTML code generated by Boomer Video. Faster load times, smaller file sizes, more security for the authors, and a free format unlike other formats, you can…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 134 | Author: Ivan Daunis | Size: 1670 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Graphic Apps > Animation Tools
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Home > Video player software

Paper Valet 2.1.09
Easily scan, categorize, store, and retrieve your bills, statements, invoices, receipts, and other documents digitally on your Windows 98…
Digital Splats HTML
Splats HTML protects your original photos taken by digital camera, but provides a complete, quick and easy way to resize, rotate, add text…
Copy This Path 1.0
If you work a lot with the paths to files or folders like I do, this can be a time saving tool. This will add the command 'Copy This Path'…

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