Windows Std Serial Comm Lib for PowerBASIC 4.1
PowerBASIC serial communication component library for serial port communications. Controls multiple ports simultaneously; use with PB/CC…
Excel Password Recovery 1.0L
Excel Password Recovery is a program to recover lost or forgotten passwords to the Microsoft Excel 2003/XP/2002/2000/97/95 documents…
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1.TrueTTY 2.55 ( free  TrueTTY download
(7 or 8 bits), PSK31 (BPSK and QPSK), BPSK63, AMTOR-FEC (SITOR-B, NAVTEX), MFSK16, MFSK8. HF-PACKET and UHF-PACKET (AX25) are supported in KISS-TNC emulation mode. SELFEC SITOR, AMTOR-ARQ (SITOR-A) and DTMF-code decoding is also possible. No additional hardware required - you need only transceiver and computer (Pentium-100 or better) with a sound card. Optionally you can use simple…
Updated: 3, 2006 | Rating: 45 | Author: Sergei Podstrigailo | Size: 1484 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Home & Hobby > Other
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2.SeaTTY 1.60 ( free  SeaTTY download
weather charts transmitted on longwave and shortwave bands in RTTY, NAVTEX and HF-FAX (WEFAX) modes. None additional hardware is required - your need only receiver and computer with a sound card. A program to receive weather reports, navigational warnings and weather charts transmitted on longwave and shortwave bands in RTTY, NAVTEX and HF-FAX (WEFAX) modes. Only receiver and…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Sergei Podstrigailo | Size: 1708 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Communications > Other Comms Tools
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3.TrueTTY 2.30 ( free  TrueTTY download
ASCII (7 or 8 bits), PSK31 (BPSK and QPSK), AMTOR-FEC (SITOR-B, NAVTEX), MultiFSK-16. HF-PACKET and UHF-PACKET (AX25) are supported in KISS-TNC emulation mode. SELFEC SITOR and DTMF-code decoding is also possible. No additional hardware required - you need only transceiver and computer (Pentium-100 or better) with a sound card. Optionally you can use simple circuit fo PTT-control…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 42 | Author: Sergei Podstrigailo | Size: 1192 kb | Shareware
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Home > Navtex software

!Glance 2.30
!Glance allows you to capture selected screen region, windows, menues or video frames and save them as BMP, GIF, or JPEG files. This…
MessagePal 1.6.3
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Print Studio Label Maker 2E
Print Studio Label Maker provides over 2500 label templates. Print Studio Label Maker enbales adding barcodes to labels, mail merging with…

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