KdaPilot - Keyword Density Analyzer 2.0
KDAPilot is a powerful Keyword Frequency Analyzer tool developed to calculate optimal keyword densities in a given web page. KDAPilot…
Beer Quote Screensaver 1.0
A freeware screensaver with 21 beer quotes on a background of beer bubbles. User can configure over 100 various transition effects…
Example:  KaZaA
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programs found: 29.

21.PostXpert Professional 2.52.44 (postxpert.com) free  PostXpert Professional download
PostXpert turns your computer into a large scale Usenet news posting machine! Use it to simplify the process of organize and send newsgroups posts. Maximize your product exposure by capturing a world-wide audience in just a few minutes. There has never been an easier way to organize and maintain your Use it to simplify the process of organize and send newsgroups posts. Maximize your product exposure by capturing a world-wide audience in just a few minutes…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Steven Martins | Size: 1118 kb | Shareware
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22.RSS Captor 3.00.22 (rsscaptor.com) free  RSS Captor download
RSS Captor is an easy-to-use RSS client that allows you to receive and manage news feeds in a searchable database. It can check your feeds automatically and notify you via sound when new items arrive. Watches, a special filtration mechanism, can filter messages you are interested in and put them into special…
Updated: 3, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Author: Alexander Salnicov | Size: 2478 kb | Shareware
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23.UsenetGrab! 3.8 (aidsoft.com) free  UsenetGrab! download
UsenetGrab! has a browser like approach that makes it a great way to get started using the world's largest message community.-Comes with free usenet access courtesy Newscene.com -Post messages and file attachments to groups and interact with others. -Download file attachments from messages such as sound and…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Craig J. Stadler | Size: 4953 kb
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24.Online News Screensaver 1.26 (cool-screensavers.com) free  Online News Screensaver download
Online News Screensaver is a unique and informative screensaver tool that delivers the latest news and weather forecast right to the screen of your computer. If you have a direct Internet access, the screensaver will keep bringing you the news reports continuously. This tool support RSS, RDF and ATOM formats…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Author: Michael Sablin | Size: 2554 kb | Shareware
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25.Pluckit 8.8 (dekaf.com) free  Pluckit download
Pluckit is a Windows program that automatically searches newsgroups for binary attachments. Supports yEnc and RAR. It downloads (plucks) them from the newsgroup to your hard drive. As if by magic, this program seeks out only the messages having pictures, grabs them, saves them to your hard drive, and then…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Jerry Cooper | Size: 5200 kb | Shareware
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26.ActiveRefresh 2.5 (activerefresh.com) free  ActiveRefresh download
Increase your internet productivity with ActiveRefresh You can use ActiveRefresh to create your very own, fully customized web news center. The key point is that you don't have to visit sites again and again to find out what's new. With the help of ActiveRefresh you will monitor web sites and get your…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Yury Chebotarev | Size: 735 kb | Shareware
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27.Newsgroup Commander 8.3 (internet-soft.com) free  Newsgroup Commander download
Newsgroup Commander is the fastest way to find any information you're looking for in news group archives. The program allows the fastest email messages downloading from selected newsgroups. Newsgroup Commander extracts information from newsgroups using multiple include/exclude keyword filters based on…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Author: Sergey Kortchinsky | Size: 650 kb | Freeware
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28.PCast 5.0 (rightclick.com.au) free  PCast download
PCast uses the Internet (USENET) to find the fastest, freest pictures it can and displays them all as they are downloaded. We think PCast can download pictures faster than any browser. If you have interests from Apples to Zebras PCast can download pictures for you from newsgroups and users around the world…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Brad Evans | Size: 1010 kb | Shareware
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29.UsenetGrab! 3.8 (eastbaytech.com) free  UsenetGrab! download
The Usenet can be a complicated and confusing place for newcomers. Users are often overwhelmed by its organization of content or workings. UsenetGrab! has a browser like approach that makes it a great way to get started using the world's largest message community. Main features: Comes with over…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: East Bay Technologies Inc. East Bay Technologies Inc. | Size: 4828 kb | Shareware
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3DJongg 2.5
3DJongg is a singular relaxation game based on Mahjongg solitare game with many features. New game rules. Colorful and 3D realistic…
HTMLtoRTF Converter 2.4
Flash-like converting multiple HTML to RTF. Support: tables, font face, size, color, alignment, hyperlinks, special characters, automatic…
Attachment Reminder v1.0
AttachmentReminder from Asynchrony.com is an add-in to Microsoft Outlook 2000 that installs quickly and easily and immediately begins…

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