pdfMachine 9.2
The affordable way to produce great quality PDF files with Supports Multilingual fonts, Mail Integration, PDF Editing, Small File Siz…
Tinnitus Masker Pro 2.1
Tinnitus Masker Pro allows you to choose from 14 different sounds and change their parameters so you can achieve the best masking effect…
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Note ID 2.0
Teaches how to read music pitch notation on grand staff with key signatures. Program writes a note on grand staff and sounds its pitch…
CDview 3.5
An easy to use, fully customisable, CD images viewer Customisable background, splash screen, buttons and About panel. View, scro…
CompDoctor 3.3
CompDoctor is a reference tool that helps you fix bugs without having to take your PC out for repair or having to pay for someone to come…

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