3D Stacked Vertical Bar Graph Software 4.6
3D Stacked Vertical Bar Graph provides both a client and server side solution for the incorporation of bar graphs into web pages. Versatile…
BySoft Network Monitor 1.0
Network Monitor displays all kind of information in real time (1-second update) about all network adapters (network cards, RAS connections…
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  • PurgeIE Pro 3.03 — PurgeIE Pro is a Cache and Cookie cleaner for Internet Explorer users to eliminate their surfing tracks. PurgeIE Pro includes 'secure erase' and support for Plugins. PurgeIE Pro manages its cleanup functions without requiring a system restart.
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Active Task Manager 1.61
A compact automaton tool to set up and run unattended tasks. It starts exe, bat and com-files, shuts down the system and displays…
Matrix ActiveX Component 3.1
Matrix ActiveX Component provides for all basic matrix operations plus LU, Cholesky, QR and Singular Value (SVD) decompositions, Eigenvalue…
Living Waterfalls 1.0
Living Waterfalls displays realistic animation in beautiful tropical photographic scenes, all with realistic nature sounds and a beautiful…

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