- Alphen 1.2.0 — Race against time to unscramble the letters in a group of words. Your only clue is a category: the first word might be a flower, the second a vehicle, etc. Figuring out one word narrows the choice of letters for the rest, making them easier to solve.
- Hierophant 1.5.1 — An intriguing puzzle game. Can you unscramble the generated mystic symbol? A contemplative game with nine difficulty levels. A new puzzle every time you play!
- Whirlwords 1.0.3 — Whirlwords is an extended version of the familiar pencil-and-paper word chain puzzles in which you connect two words by changing one letter at a time. Over 100 puzzles, nifty graphical interface, built-in editor, on-line help, extensive vocabulary.